New Monogram Style for
January 2025
This is a free-flowing satin stitch monogram style. The thin columns
make this a great choice for napkins.
Brushwork Monogram Set 6 is included in the following Guided Search categories: Thin, Modern, Bed Linens, Tote Bags Purses, Quilts, Napkins.
The free letter of the month is "D" from the Brushwork Monogram Set 6.
On Sale This Month - 15% off
A satin-stitch monogram style with a flowing, handmade quality, and variation in height from one letter to the next - which one would expect from a style created by someone with a brush.M
The artwork for this monogram set was commissioned from Kipp T. Jarden, a traditional animator with a 2008 BFA from Savannah College of Art and Design. You can see more of his work on his website at
Brushwork Monogram Set 2 is included in the following Guided Search categories: Youth, Slant, Playful, Tote Bags Purses, Napkins.
Monograms in the Movies
An archive of film scenes with monograms - updated monthly.
We need your help to keep this feature going - please keep an eye out for monograms in the movies.