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View Each Letter of the Alphabet in All Available Styles: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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The Lady Vanishes - 1938

Movie: The Lady Vanishes - 1938

Director: Alfred Hitchcock

Synopsis: In mountainous Bandrika - a fictional country in pre WW II Europe - a group of travellers eager to return to England is delayed by bad weather awaiting the departure of their train. Among the passengers are young socialite Iris Henderson (Margaret Lockwood), returning from a holiday with friends to prepare for her wedding; Gilbert (Michael Redgrave), a musicoligist who has been studying the area's folk songs; and Miss Froy (Dame Mae Whitty), an elderly lady who has been working for some years as a governess. Iris and Miss Froy become acquainted, share some tea in the dining car, and return to their compartment. Iris falls asleep, and awakes to finds Miss Froy missing, and the other passengers claiming that she never existed. Iris must turn to Gilbert - her only ally - for help.

Scene: Top: The night before the train departs, Iris must enlist the help of the Hotel Manager to stop the stomping coming from upstairs - Gilbert is studying live folk dancers in his room. Middle: Iris is astonished when no one remembers seeing miss Froy. Bottom: Gilbert suggests a pause and a refreshment in the dining car. They sit at the same table that Iris and Miss Froy used earlier.

Monogram: Iris has multiple monograms in this movie - all in different styles. Top: Her initials IH, embroidered in an Asian style on a chinese-inspired silk robe. Middle: IH, enclosed in a thin circle, are embroidered on her scarf. Bottom: IH, applied to her purse in a wide block style. Also in this shot we see the name "Froy" written on the window condensation - Miss Froy wrote it for Iris to explain the spelling of her name while they were having tea. Neither Iris or Gilbert notice the writing before the train enters a tunnel.

Contributed by: EmbroideryArts.com

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